Commercial glazing in Belarus

Professional glazing for the most complex facade structures from the manufacturer

About company

Since 2012, we have been the largest enterprise in the Republic of Belarus with a full cycle of processing jumbo sheet glass

During this time, we have produced glazing for such complex architectural structures as the building of the Belgazprombank Head Office, the Headquarters of the National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Belarus and other significant objects throughout the country and abroad.

We work in Belarus, Russia,
in Kazakhstan, as well as:

in Norway Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Germany, France and USA

We know everything about glass

11 years

we specialize in cutting, processing, tempering, enameling, laminating glass and ceramic printing on it

9 types of glass

5000 m2

we produce to solve various technological, architectural and design tasks
allocated for production and equipped with the most modern equipment from world brands

Latest projects

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We guarantee


Your order will be made in the shortest possible time



Our products comply with the requirements of GOST and TU
We provide a full range of glass processing


We implement any of your projects for an adequate price

Company's news

Glass tempering department LLC "OP NII PKD" Minsk district. Bolshoe Stiklevo, Fabrichnaya st., 14

+375 29 181 88 04
+375 29 181 88 40
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